How To Find The Right Blogging Frequency

If youre a blogger, one of the important questions youre going to have to answer is how often youre actually posting to your blog. If you post too often, you may just be pumping out words instead of coming up with good articles (like this one). On the other hand, if you dont post often enough, people are going to get bored and be less likely to follow your blog or read it at all. This has killed more than one blog in the past.

Finding the Right Blog Frequency

Heres a look at a few specific pieces of advice that will be helpful in letting you find the right number of posts for your blog be it on a weekly or daily basis.


Image Source: Pixabay

  • Know Thy Audience The very first thing you need to do is think about your audience. IF you dont know anything about them, you need to start learning. If you have no traffic at all, do some research on your niche or topic to see who others think the audience might be.
  • Plan a Schedule Once you know more about your readers, you should be able to come up with a posting schedule for your blog that will fit into their routine. For example, if youre writing for soccer moms, you dont want to post when theyre at games. Its better to post for them in the late morning or early afternoon.
  • Do Some Testing Another good way to find the right blogging frequency is to do some testing. Try only posting a few posts one week and then the next increase the number of posts. This should give you an idea of which is better if you find yourself getting more traffic with one or the other.
  • Start Slowly Then Increase When youre first starting out, you may only want to post one a day or one every few days. Gradually increase this so youre posting at least once a day or more. Remember, the more quality posts you have published, the more chances you have of readers finding you and liking your blog. Just make sure you dont rush too much and you actually come up with useful and entertaining posts.

If youre trying to become an authority blogger on your subject, finding the right posting frequency is important, but its not the only piece of the puzzle. For example, you might want to get a recognized diploma of business so that youre taken seriously when youre blogging. You want to make sure you get this fact known so that people will listen to what you have to say on your blog. This will help determine the frequency of the posts on your blog.


About Author
Rahish is Tech blogger. He contributes to the Blogging, Gadgets, Social Media and Tech News section on TechOTrack.
